World Strongest man Eddie Hall gets schooled by a 135 pound boxer! (VIDEO)


The word strongest is often misunderstood with being able to fight. People often assume that just because a guy is big and strong, it automatically translate into being able to defend themselves which is remotely not true, but the general public doesn’t get it.

One of the major reasons why people start lifting is to look big and intimidating, after all nobody wants to pick a fight with someone bigger than themselves.


Real fighters have skills and can tolerate pain more than steroid and protein consuming bodybuilders, also real fighters have strong chins.

A video has been circulated on social media, where one can see the world’s strongest man sparring a lightweight boxer named Scott Lawton from the United Kingdom.

As expected, a 5’10 and 135-pound professional boxer Scott Lawton was too fast and agile for the 6 foot 3 and 400 pounds, world strongest man Eddie Hall. Lawton could be seen tagging Hall with straight jabs and cutting rings and hall looked frustrated with Lawton’s movement.

In the entirety of the clip, Eddie Hall could be seen throwing haymakers, but he failed to land anything insignificant on Lawton, whereas Lawton was throwing head popping jabs at hall throughout the fight.

Eddie Hall is a longtime boxing fan and it is likely that it was just a friendly sparring session and he has also claimed in the past that he is very much afraid of getting inside the ring with Tyson Fury and has also said that Tyson Fury will fu*k him up.

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