India’s shooting ace, Sarabjot Singh, recently made headlines by securing a bronze medal in the 10m air pistol mixed team event at the Paris Olympics 2024. His remarkable performance alongside Manu Bhaker garnered praise from fans and critics alike.
However, when the Haryana government offered him a job as a token of appreciation, Sarabjot graciously declined.
Why did Sarabjot Singh reject the govt job?
Sarabjot’s passion lies in shooting. He expressed that he wants to concentrate solely on his sport at this moment. Despite family members urging him to accept a decent government job, he remains steadfast in his commitment to shooting. Rejecting the job offer allows him to stay true to the decisions he has made for his career.
Sarabjot’s bronze medal at the Paris Olympics was a significant achievement, but it hasn’t fulfilled his ultimate goal. In an exclusive interview, he revealed that he aims to shoot for gold at the Los Angeles Olympics in 2028. His determination to achieve this dream drives his decision to prioritize training and competition over other opportunities.
“The job is good, but I will not take it right now. I want to focus on my shooting first,” Sarabjot told reporters.
“My family has also been asking me to get a decent job, but I want to pursue shooting. I don’t want to go against the decisions that I have made, so I cannot take a job right now,” he said.
Olympic bronze medallist Sarabjot Singh was offered government job. However, Sarabjot declined the offer and said he is not willing to take up the offer as he wants to continue his practice.#Olympics #ParisOlympics2024 #bronzemedal #SarabjotSingh
— IndiaToday (@IndiaToday) August 11, 2024
Sarabjot’s rejection of the government job reflects his unwavering dedication to his craft. As he continues to chase his Olympic aspirations, his story serves as a reminder of the sacrifices and choices athletes make to pursue excellence on the world stage. The bronze medal is just one milestone in his journey, and he remains focused on the path ahead.
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