Recently a Pakistani cricket fan raised a poster at Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore and that went viral in the social media. The Pakistani fan pleaded the Indian skipper Virat Kohli to come in Pakistan to play bilateral series. The last bilateral series between India and Pakistan were held in 2013. After that these two sides did not meet each other in any bilateral series. However, India and Pakistan met each other in ICC tournaments and Asia Cup in the meantime.
However, the cricket fans of both the Nations want to have bilateral series between India and Pakistan in the upcoming days. Some Indian cricket fans also retweeted and welcomed the gesture of the Pakistani fan. The craze of the bilateral series between India and Pakistan are really high. The fans are waiting eagerly for it. Hopefully these two Nations will play a bilateral series very soon.
Sri Lankan cricket team went to Pakistan to play a bilateral series. This was a series that happened in Pakistan after a long time. Pakistan cricket team won the ODI series in Karachi by a margin of 2-0. However, recently they were white-washed by young Sri Lankan side by a margin of 3-0 in the T20 series.