India is set to host the prestigious ISSF World Cup Final at the Karni Singh Ranges in October. This event will feature elite shooters competing in pistol, rifle, and shotgun disciplines. The World Cup Final (WCF) serves as the season-ending tournament for these top marksmen.
All you need to know about the ISSF World Cup
All the medal winners in the 12 individual Olympic shooting events at the Paris Olympics have automatically qualified for the WCF, along with the title winners from last year’s event in Doha, Qatar. This gathering of elite shooters promises thrilling competition and showcases India’s commitment to hosting world-class sporting events.
The Karni Singh Ranges, known for their state-of-the-art facilities, will provide the perfect stage for these talented athletes to demonstrate their skills. As the shooting world converges in India, fans eagerly await the intense battles and remarkable performances that the ISSF World Cup Final will undoubtedly deliver.
“The same was earlier announced in Chateauroux during the ongoing Paris Olympics, by the ISSF (International Shooting Sport Federation) president Luciano Rossi,” the National Rifle Association of India said in a statement on Thursday.
The winners will get prize money of Euros 5,000, 4,000 and 3,000 respectively along with medals and trophies.
“This will be the 10th international shooting competition to be held in India going back to the 10th Asian Air Gun held in 2015. This will also be the second ISSF World Cup Final to be held in that period with the first one being held in 2017. Last year Bhopal hosted its first ever ISSF World Cup,” the statement added.
“One of the reasons for our continued success on the international stage in recent years across shooting disciplines has been our endeavour to regularly bring such world-class competitions to India,” said Kalikesh Singhdeo, NRAI’s senior vice-president.